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Birth Planning: 5 Tips for a Better Birthing Experience

April 22, 20244 min read

Finding out you are pregnant is typically one of the most exciting times in your life! There is a flood of emotions coupled with daydreaming of what your future will look like once your baby is born. In addition to all the excitement, there are other things to consider such as birth planning.

Birth planning is more than just telling your partner that you want a healthy birth. That is the ultimate goal, yes.

However, a goal without an action plan is just a wish.

You need to develop a Fail-Proof Birth Plan™ in order to reach that goal of having a healthy baby and a healthy birth experience.

If you are ready to start your birth planning, then this article is for you! Discover how you can create a birth plan that takes every aspect of the birth process into account.

Pregnant woman sitting and planning out her birth

5 Birth Planning Tips

Use these five tips to help create a better birth experience. These tips are tried and true, which means you can use them with confidence.


It's never too early in your pregnancy to start birth planning. In fact, there are things you can do now that will have a positive impact on your birth experience later down the road.

Consider things like:

  • Eating well,

  • Investing in supplements,

  • Educating yourself,

  • And more.

As a Birth and Family Wellness Educator, I help moms discover how they can prepare their minds and bodies for the best birth experience. If this is something that would benefit you, let's chat!


In pregnancy, it can seem like you hold all the cards as the expecting mother.

However, you can (and should) get your spouse or partner involved as well. This not only helps take some of the weight off of your shoulders, but it also helps them to feel more connected and involved in the pregnancy. After all, they can't exactly help you carry the baby!

Give your spouse something to do like finding pediatricians in the area for your new baby, searching for prenatal supplements for you, or even creating the baby registry.

You can learn more about how to involve your spouse or partner in my Empowered Birth Program™.


Many expecting mothers, especially first-time mothers, decide to "go with the flow" for their labor and delivery. This usually means going to the hospital to deliver and just doing what the medical staff tell you to do.

Unfortunately, many of these moms don't know what their rights are as a patient and often feel as though they don't have any control over their birthing experience.

When it comes to birth planning, it is essential to learn about your rights.

You need to know what you can accept or deny in any birth setting environment. In addition, you need to know how to advocate for your baby once he or she is born. You have a voice.


Taking a prenatal course is one of the top items on an expecting mother's to-do list. However, these generic courses don't usually have enough information to help you prepare for life after delivery.

Believe it or not, labor and delivery is the easy part. Life with a newborn comes with its own set of questions.

Enroll in a course like my Empowered Birth Program™ to help you prepare for what is in store after you give birth. The postpartum period can be a confusing time, especially when you are trying to learn about this new little human in your arms.


If you aren't sure how to start birth planning, it's okay to ask for help! You are not meant to know everything, regardless if this is your first baby or not.

Asking for help is the best way to get the desired outcome you want in your pregnancy and birth experiences.

Many expecting mothers feel as though asking for help is a sign of weakness. Unfortunately, society tells those mothers to be strong and do it alone. This couldn't be further from the truth.

In fact, this is the exact reason why I became a Birth and Family Wellness Educator– to help new families gain the knowledge and confidence they need to be a successful family unit.

Birth Planning is Crucial to Your Health and Wellbeing

If you have never considered birth planning before, now you know how important it is to your mental and physical health as well as to your baby's health.

Going with the flow or entering birth without the right information can impact the way you recover. It can also have an effect on the bond that you experience with your baby.

Start your plans now for a better birth outcome.

Regardless if your baby is born vaginally or via C-section, there is a lot to learn:

  • Create a birth plan,

  • Get your partner involved,

  • And learn your rights.

Also, consider taking a birth course to give you the extra boost in confidence that you will need following labor and delivery.

If you are ready to ace your birth plan, it's time for you to join my Empowered Birth Program™! Learn more about birth planning by subscribing to my YouTube Channel.

You can also grab my FREE download: 20 Unspoken Secrets Expectant Moms Need to Know.

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Laurel Otey, Birth & Family Wellness Educator

Laurel supports expectant mothers who want to be informed and in charge of their birth experience, no matter how their baby is born. She is best known as the creator of the Fail-Proof Birth Plan™. Laurel founded Layered Living® in 2016 and now serves growing families across the US through her online childbirth, postpartum, and newborn education courses and personalized parenting support programs. Her clients gain actionable strategies to reduce their fear and pain during labor, and valuable skills to help their baby thrive after birth.

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